- CHARTER MEMBER - Carmel Valley, CA, USA
1) Fine Art
*Format: 35mm, 2 1⁄4 film cameras

Experimentation and pushing photographic boundaries, both in the darkroom and while making images, are central to my work. I embrace creative accidents. At times, I feel like an alchemist at work. Working in Series allows for a deeper interpretation of my subject while simultaneously allowing a deeper examination of my own psyche. I work with film experimenting with pinhole, holga and conventional cameras. My creative expression in my darkroom is from toned black and white images to alternative processes. I’ve exhibited throughout the United States and Europe and have won numerous awards.

Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Western Americana Collection
WIPI Archive CHARTER GALLERY 2015-2016

WIPI-PhotoLA-2013, print exhibition

web: www.janeolin.com
e-mail: jane@janeolin.com

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